Also #29
29. Reference was made to minorities whose right to profess and practise their own religion was curtailed. The following situations were described: the persecution of the Ahmadis in Pakistan on the grounds of un-Islamic activities, blasphemy, and even calling themselves Muslims (Ahmadiyya Muslim Association); the increasing communalism in India which was threatening the basic secular credentials as well as the right to freedom of religion and created a sense of insecurity among Christians (Solai Program); the climate of intolerance and discrimination in several European countries where religious minorities were assimilated to sectarian movements (European Association of Jehovah's Witnesses for the Protection of Religious Freedom); the denial of the existence and the religious rights of the Turkish Muslim minority in Western Thrace (Western Thrace Turkish Muslim Minority in Greece); the denial of the right to respect and tolerance to religious minorities (Fraternité Notre Dame); discrimination against religious minorities by the financing of a few religious confessions by States (International Association for Religious Freedom); religious discrimination against the Coptic minority in Egypt owing to the fact that Islamic law was considered the principal source of legislation (Canadian-Egyptian Organization for Human Rights).
Tim Horton
JoinedPosts by Tim Horton
More UN NGO connections
by hungarian xjw inhere
find this:
10. the following other non-governmental organizations were represented by observers: ... association of jehovah's witnesses ... jehovah's witnesses for the protection of religious freedom ...
Tim Horton
Is it time for me to buy a new (used) car?
by Elsewhere inwell, first of all i never buy *new* cars... so when i say "new - used" i basically mean: sell my current car and buy another used one that is about two years old.
my current car is a 1999 ford contour se v6 with about 106,000 miles on it.
it's got a few minor bumps-and-bruses and a bit of peeling paint due to a bad paint-job, but it does look good when you step back and look at it as a whole.
Tim Horton
I would say the car still sounds fine.Hey I'm driving a 1987 dodge colt 4 door. Believe me your car sounds like luxury right about now. I would be very worried about the transmission though. We bought a ford taurus from my Dad. One of those pay off the lease sort of deals. It was a really good deal or we never would have bought the car because it had already had the transmission replaced. It was about 5 years old when we bought it. The transmission was replaced 2 years earlier, but then after a couple of years the transmission was going again. Now I'm very careful when I hear the word transmission on a car. Get it checked out. If it's fine then hey maybe the cars got a couple good years left to give ya. But not transmission problems.Yikes!Then I'd say flip it baby!
The damn Egyptians liked way older women
by gumby inbuncha damn dirty old men i tell ya!.
that's right.....pharaoh liked 70 year old women and so did his buddies ( princes).
gen. chap.12 tells us when abraham entered egypt, the egyptians beheld the woman( sarah ), was "very fair".
Tim Horton
They were way ahead in the sexual revolution department, firing their first shots with these...
Gumball women look the same in the dark... -
Suicide.... how do you view people who "attempt" it?
by outbutnotdown inanybody who has read my other recent posts...... don't worry, this is absolutely not about me feeling that way... i'm very happy, thanks..... .
my roommate, however, had a friend who committed suicide a couple of weeks ago and she just broke up with her boyfriend and he was saying things similar to what the guy who committed suicide awhile back was saying just before he took his life.
it is freaking her out.
Tim Horton
Suicide is very strong and horrible thing. My sister has tried to commit it once. I'v tried to take drug overdose twice but I'm still here. You really can't blame the person because they are in the wrong state of mind and headframe. You feal in the depth of despair and you will, can't not ever get out. All the curtains are drawn.You wan't nobody around.You are deeply depressed.If you spot these signs coming on. THis person needs help. It's very sad. I don't hold any bad feelings toward people who try to commit suicide because theres usually a valid reason. Not always. But you have to imagine that things have reached rock bottom.I had such bad post partom depression this time around I honestly thought, this is it.I can't do this anymore. It was horrible. But things did look up and hear I am chatting to you. Depression is horrible, but its not the victims falt. That person needs alot of support. Bottom line-get help
to all those ladies out there, here's to you
by Tim Horton ini'm cleaning my house right now, it's 1:30 in the morning.
i know you're thinking " has she really lost it, is she insane"?
well yes of couse i say!
Tim Horton
I'm cleaning my house right now, it's 1:30 in the morning. I know you're thinking " Has she really lost it, is she insane"? Well yes of couse I say! My kids are in bed so I kind of got carried away with not getting things done when they're awake. Don't forget the hubby, can't get anything done when he's awake either!!! HEE HEE So here's my question? I'm being silly hear, so don't get your panties in a knot. No serious topics for me tonight folks. Anyways, I'm thinking to myself how many people let us women down in life. Our boss, our religions, our families, blah blah. But you know what's always there for me ? CCCCHHHHOOOOOCOLLAATTTEEE
Not just any kind of chocolate though girls, the good kind, so I have a field trip or errand for all you chocoholics like me. Go tomorrow and get yourself a nice big chocolaty something. Preferably Purdies. Splurge a little. Then let me know how much you enjoyed it. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM yummy Goodnight gals or maybe goodday, It all depends on where ya live. ENJOY! Tim Horton's wife- anybody got any good ideas for a name for me this one's kinda dorky! I guess it fits an ex JW wife though doesn't it. HA HA -
Tim Horton
Flash: I didn't quite understand your post. I'd like to hear more of your ideas. Thanks
How does one forgive ??? PLEASE, I really need your help, PLEASE ???
by run dont walk inwell, the worst case scenario happened in my life,.
i had a topic awhile back about, have you ever thought about leaving your mate for someone else??.
i never updated as much as i should of ?.
Tim Horton
I'm so sorry to hear about your horrible experience. I am married myself and have often considered that to be my worst nightmare. I was in a long relationship before my marriage to my husband where I found out at a party that my boyfriend was cheating on me with 2 different girls steadily at the same time for quite some time. My experience was not a good one. I decided to forgive him as he begged and pleaded and told me he would never do it again, but guess what he did do it again and again. It was very sad. Mind you, I had not invested the time and love in a marriage that you have with your wife. Now I have invested 7 years with my loving husband and if it happened now I would not be able to walk away so easily either. I would definately go to counselling if she is a decent lady and deserves your love. If she doesn't deserve you then maybe it's time to seriously examine things and move on. Nobody deserves to be betrayed like that. I don't believe there is any excuse for that kind of behavior, I don't care what the situation is. If your not happy with your partner then leave and then find someone else. Don't cheat. I hope you get the drinking under control as that will only lead to depression and more problems. I hope you're going to be ok. It's going to be very hard but you can do it. I know you can. I feel for ya. -
Are JWs "Approval Whores"?
by Scully induring a quiet moment at work the other night, i picked up a back issue of o magazine, one of the current quintessentially authoritative journalistic voices of the modern north american woman.
it was the december 2003 issue, and i was intrigued by the title of the article: "the halo effect" which promised to examine the condition of 'being too good' for one's own good.
the preamble contained the phrase "self-sacrificing" and i was immediately zapped by that standard jw buzz-word and the article's suggestion that being "self-sacrificing" is not all it's cracked up to be.. you can read the article here: stop seeking approval.
Tim Horton
I really enjoyed your post. I can't sleep. It's 2:00 am and feel kind of tearful. I was thinking about the lord's prayer and what it means. I read your post and it really picked me up. My hubby and I are just leaving the Jw's so this is all new to me. What you wrote sure did make sense though. I find I have very low self esteem but never attributited it to the truth. If my spelling is bad its because it's very late. You sound like one smart, experienced lady. Thanks Tim Horton's wifey. I do plan to get my own alias/name or whatever ya call it. We're just having trouble setting it up. Maybe you can help me about the Lord's prayer. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. If there isn't a new system, then what does that mean? I have so many doubts about the society but that one still stumps me. I don't know if I quoted that part exactly correct it's kind of late, but you get the idea. Anyways talk to you later.
Which Mini-van should I buy?
by confusedjw incan those of you with mini vans help?
(3 years old, 50,000 miles).
if you have had one would you buy it again?
Tim Horton
MY inlaws or maybe you could call them outlaws, (all depends on the nature of your relationship)have a Toyota Sienna and they can't stop raving about it. They've come out here to visit and rented various other types of Mini-vans but nothing compares to there's apparently. Hope it helps. Mind you that's just one man's opinion. Honda's and Toyota's do seem to have the best track record though. I do agree about the consumer report guide. It really helps.